I'm currently working on new renditions of the sculpture,"Kiss". This piece was by far my most popular this year (Click on the gallery page: Happy Customers) while selling at art fairs this year around the upper Midwest. I'm building up my stock for the start of the new 2019 art fair season.
I've included a photo that I took this morning that shows part of my studio located in the basement of my home. The photo depicts the production area that I am able to seal off with two clear shower curtains (not shown) to cut down on dust transmission, etc. The production area is where I hand sand, router, and apply the many coats of polyurethane. The 11 scuptures in the photo have already been sanded and routed, and are now receiving the first of six coats of hand applied urethane. Each piece will then be hand sanded one more time to give the pieces a smooth, glossy finish. Since each "Kiss" sculpture is comprised of 12 pieces, that's 132 total pieces! In the lower right corner of the photo, there is a group of 16 additional pieces to be used as spares, and replacements.
If you're wondering what the black rectangle is in the upper right of the photo, it's a television. I will be spending many hours this week finishing the pieces and need something to keep my mind active while my hands are busy! The light fixtures are a mix of photo lights and Home Depot work lights that I can move around depending on my different task needs. It's very bright and cheery for a basement!